Thursday, February 6, 2014

One in a Minion...

One of my best sellers is the Despicable Me Minion Inspired hat. The funny thing is I started making these long before I saw the movie. I kept seeing commercials for the movie and they just started popping up more and more. I had a local customer ask me to make a minion hat and I thought sure seemed easy enough. Then like wildfire word of mouth advertising spread and I have made what feels like a million of them or as my daughter joked "a minion of them" I won't lie a few times I have thought of retiring from minions the yellow yarn has gotten to me a few times. Ironically when I did try to stop making them I got orders for Sponge bob, Lego men etc. YELLOW! ha! After I finally got around to watching the movie I fell back in love with these goofy little critters. I'm not a huge fan of animation, kids movies, or well movies in generally but I did laugh quite a bit at those little guys. I have several minion orders going on right now so today I made an adult one to fit on our lovely model. I usually use my kids or customers to model hats. When I found a deal on a mannequin head I figured it would be fun. The kids have found a lot of joy in putting her in different locations around the house. Best one yet I think was my oldest calling my name while I was taking the dog out I look up and see the mannequin hanging out the window. We have yet to "name" the head so if you can come up with something clever enlighten us!

Only moderately creepy right?

Girl/Boy twin Minions :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WIP Wednesday - Cat in the Hat inspired baby afghan!

“The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house. All that cold, cold, wet day.” 
― Dr. SeussThe Cat in the Hat

Change that to snowy day and that about sums up our week. I grew up in Florida, and even after 10 years in the north east...Well Colorado is just COLD! I rather enjoy making afghans in the winter because eventually the length gets to a point where it keeps me warm too! When a local customer was looking for Dr. Seuss themed blankets I jumped at the chance. We are huge Dr. Seuss fans here my youngest will be starting her first year of formal homeschooling next year. Dr. Seuss has always been a big part of our schooling. I'm excited to dust off the books my older daughters have outgrown. I am also super excited that one of our homeschool group teachers is having twins! I see some Thing 1 Thing 2 hats in the very near future.

So this is my "WIP" this week if your not familiar with this abbreviation it stands for "Work in Progress"

So my question to my readers! What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book? (comment below)  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Welcome to my new Site & Store

Thanks so much for stopping by! I am a busy mama and wanted to create a site to showcase my work, show my WIPs (work in progress) and talk about the joys of being a work at home, homeschooling mom. I have been at it several years now but as my crew is getting older I find I have more time to be passionate about my crafting. I will slowly be adding more information about my products and services. I look forward to working with you soon!

I will leave you with something new I recently started crocheting! Truth be told I need about 5 more of these for all the animals that worm their way into our home!
crochet animal hammock